Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Restructuring Fannie and Freddie

The Obama administration 
recently called for an orderly 
transition from the current form 
of the Fannie Mae and Freddie 
Mac secondary mortgage market
to a new structure that would 
allow home buyers continued
access to affordable, sustainable 
Without functioning mortgage 
markets, people cannot buy or 
sell homes. To ensure a smooth 
transition,  it’s important that any
new system involve some 
government backing, ensuring a 
continued flow of capital to 
housing markets during 
economic downturns. This 
government support provides a 
safety net in case private capital 
flees the market, as it did during 
the recent downturn. 
Reducing government 
involvement in the mortgage 
finance market is essential to 
keep the market healthy, but 
shouldn’t be done at the expense 
of the economy or home buyers.

Short Sales: The Basics for REALTORS from the National Association of Realtors

Short Sales: The Basics for REALTORS from the National Association of Realtors